Law & Justice Committee

Meeting to consider SB 669 and SB 1212

Senate Law and Justice Committee

May 24, 2022 | 10 a.m.

East Wing, Hearing Room 8E-B


Meeting to consider SB 669 and SB 1212


  • SB669 (Regan) – Provides full-time police officers with the option to purchase up to five years of pension service credit for prior part-time or full-time service.
    • Amendment – Addresses two recommendations made in the IFO actuarial note. First, it requires a police officer to already be vested in order to purchase prior service. Second, it provides that existing benefits for portability and transfer of service credits between two pension plans administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System will not be impacted.
  • SB1212 (Phillips-Hill) – Provides for amplified noise for liquor licenses.
    • Amendment – Changes the effective date from 60 days to immediately.


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